Customer Relationship Management

CRM in Greenville, SC

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy that businesses use to manage and improve their interactions with customers, with the goal of building long-term relationships and loyalty.

Provide a Better Customer Experience

We use tools like HubSpot to better understand how your customers interact with your brand.

Generate Customer Reviews

Generating customer reviews is underrated, but essential for growing your business organically. Set up an automated review system to streamline more reviews, faster.

Earn lifelong trust and repeat sales with your customers

Organize your customer base by interest and behavior so that you can make educated retargeting strategy.

Customer Relationship Management

Because each project is custom to your needs, our processes are individually catered to your goals as well. However, our steps below should give you an idea of what our creative process looks like.

We begin by diving deep into the intricacies of your client acquisition process so that we can set up your CRM Tool in a way that makes sense.
Once your CRM is setup and tested, we move into Launch phase where we begin gathering data on your audience. This helps us make better decisions with all current and future marketing initiatives.
Test, Track, Optimize
We test your CRM, track it’s progress, and optimize for success. We report and educate on how your customers are interacting with your business and optimize for optimal performance.
Luke, Reedy River Landscapes
“...Branded by Greenville’s succeeding PPC campaign also surpassed the company's average generated leads by 300%. Apart from being customer-oriented, the team also proved to be highly strategic and effective”

Begin Your CRM Journey.

Press our Contact button below if you’d like to explore Customer Relationship Management for your company.